Saturday, February 18, 2012

so what about that groundhog?

so at the beginning of the month, the groundhog apparently saw its shadow. which means of course more winter....we have been lucky (up until now) to be blessed with hardly any snow.....and i couldn't be more thrilled!! after last winter, i HATE the snow!! now don't get me wrong, i do like the "one big snow of the year" type thing, but when it starts before thanksgiving and ends almost in april, i just don't like it. I am obviously not meant to live any more north than kentucky.

but it was very nice to hear the birds chirping today, it made me realize that spring may be closer than we think. or at least i hope that is the case!! it was a gorgeous 50-something degree day today, and i am thankful for it! i really should have taken judah to the park, but we just vegged at home, watching All Dogs Go to Heaven (does anyone remember that movie??? i feel so old!!), giving judah a haircut (since he tried to cut it himself on wednesday), and playing monsters, Judah's new fav game where we just tackle each other while making the ugliest/scariest faces possible. on the other hand, Mikaela's not been feeling very well lately so she slept for a good part of the day. either way, it's been a nice, WARM day. i felt productive. yay.

now i think i am gonna go to bed..i've been so sleepy lately!! i'm getting old, people...26 is just around the corner ;)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

tax returns

most people dread this time of year....we are very fortunate that we are able to get money back when we file our taxes (we are poor!!! haha). this year we are going to go back to Myrtle Beach at the end of March. Allen and i had so much fun last year that we wanted to go back (this time the kids will come with us!!)'s so nice because it's the one time of the year that we can spend with no budget!! So all that to say that we are booked at the resort, and waiting for March 23rd to get here..Hoping that it will be just as much fun as we had last year...only a little over a month and we'll be chillaxin'.....


Sunday, February 12, 2012

to my judahbug.

Dear Judahbug,

Have I told you lately just HOW much i love you???? i know i say it every day, but it is so true. You are one of the best blessings i have ever been able to have. And now you are a big boy. You just turned three on Friday, and i can hardly believe it. It was just like yesterday I remember not being able to sleep at night because all I could feel in my belly was your big hiccups..every night near the end it would happen. And you liked limeade (like mommy) didn't help that mommy drank GALLONS of it from about 35 weeks on. :) no wonder you're so hyper these days. You have grown up so much, little man. You have boundless amounts of hate naptime...and you ask daddy all the time to tell you when he's done eating so that you can play with him. You are so full of life and i love it. I know there's times when i just want to pull my hair out because of all the energy, but every night before i fall asleep, i thank God for you, even that crazy energy you have. Even when you know that i'm frustrated, you'll still come up to me and give me a big hug for no reason at all. You just like to remind me that you're there for me. It makes my heart melt. every. time. You are such an awesome big love to watch out for your little sis, Mikaela, and you are always giving her hugs and kisses. I know one day you'll be even more protective of her (and i'm pretty sure your daddy will be okay with that). You love to play with her toys and also "tell on her"--not that there's much to tattle on, but it's funny to watch anyways..

You ask me alot about Jesus and heaven, and as much as i'm fascinated how your little mind can even fathom what big things like "Jesus" and "heaven" are, it is so encouraging to know that God is already working in your life at such a young age. I hope you always listen to Him. Lastnight you told me that you dreamed about Jesus, and it just boggles my mind. So awesome...

All of that to say, I can't wait to see how you grow over the next year, three years, five years. I look back at your baby pictures, and i'm like "where has my baby boy gone to???"--but i realize that you are growing up, and developing your own identity. My only wish for you is that you look to God first and everything else will fall into place. I'm so excited to watch you grow and learn.

I love you, little man, and you are such a sweet blessing. Happy late birthday my dear.


Friday, February 3, 2012

ohhhhhhh baby..'s been a crazy week! honestly i think i'm just plain tired! my job in life (both being a mom and also the one i get paid for) is to hang out with work i'm with babies all day, and for the whole two years i have been there, it's been great. but we have this baby in there now..ohhhhhh....i have never EVER experienced the wrath of any baby/child/human like i have to deal with on a daily basis like i do now. i have a baby (who will remain nameless) that cries ALL day EVERY day. it drains me. i don't think it would be so bad if i didn't have to go home and be with my own two babes.

yes it would. it would be torture if i was single and not ever having a child of my own.

it is awful...i try to put this baby in the swing, rock her, feed her, do pretty much anything to calm her down. and she just cries. literally the only way she'll be ok is if you are in her face or you are holding her walking around the if there aren't 8 other babies in the room that need to be taken care of.

her parents don't seem to have the same problem at home (i'm sure b/c they HOLD her all the time!!), and they act kinda clueless if i say anything. it is so frustrating!! i thought when she first came that it might be colic because she was still a bitty baby and sometimes that happens, but it wasn't. she just cried and cried and cried...and to this day does the same thing! i feel so bad because by the end of the day i'm so drained, brainwise and my hearing for that matter..i get so easily irritated at my own kids because this other baby has already taken every ounce of my energy for the day.

have i mentioned i'm looking really hard for a new job?????

i need a least from this kid. maybe she'll go on an extended vacay......that's just my wishful thinking....

at least i get two days off till she makes me deaf again.

happy weekend all!!