2010, here we come--
ok, SOOOO not ready for another year!! i AM ready for taxes to come back...the extra moolah is always nice. i am ready to watch my little boy get bigger..well kinda. he's growing up too fast! we will be having his first birthday party soon!! it's so hard to believe! time has FLOWN by! and now judah's such a little man. he just started walking..and now it's gonna be hard to stop him. he's been walking for a week, and now he is more daring each day! ahhh! i'm in trouble!! i went to babies r us today to stock up on babyproofing stuff because i have such a curious little boy. he's so fun thoug
h. and to see him and allen together is so cute. allen walks in from work and judah gets the biggest grin on his face and starts laughing hysterically just because he loves his daddy so much! i love to watch them together. and at daycare judah "loves" all of the other babies....he tries to love them. he ends up patting them to death or cuddling just a little too close. but it's funny nevertheless. all those kiddos love each other and find each other so funny. i love to watch them all together. but this is judah's last week in my room. he's moving on monday to his new room. :( but that's ok. he'll probably do better without me in the same room as him. he's becoming mr. independent. ahhh!! my baby's growing
up too fast!! i guess time flies when you're having fun.....oh and did i mention judah HATES santa?? so hilarious!!