Monday, September 27, 2010

day 25

day 25--my day, in great detail

6:10--wake up...well, actually hit the snooze for about 20 minutes and then wake up (because judah inevitably will hear my alarm go off and wake me up himself)

6:30--get judah ready for school, making sure i don't forget everything in the process

6:50--leave for school

7:00-7:15--arrive at judah's to his teacher, let her know how his night was, etc. Then it'll take me about 15 more minutes to ACTUALLY leave because he's gotten super attached lately and will NOT let me, he's cute and i don't wanna leave him until i absolutely HAVE to :)

7:15-7:30--start on my trekk to school..i walk about 4 blocks to school everyday, rain or shine...tons of fun! nooootttt..

8:00-12:50--school---this consists of being at UK and at an elementary school. occasionally i can stop by my house and grab a bite to eat, if i'm lucky

12:50--i start my 4 block trekk back to judah's daycare so i can begin my shift

1:15--start work..i work in the nursery at judahbug's daycare. i get to change poopy butts and get puked on every's lots of fun, can't you tell?? ha

2:45ish--i start to hit my midday slump...i get super tired and especially if i am feeding a baby, rocking doesn't really help me stay awake

4:30--parents start to come get their babies..i start counting down the minutes until i can go home!!

5:00--i usually get to leave. i go across the hall and pick up my baby boy. he gives me the biggest hugs and i'm always so glad to see him!!

5:30--arrive at the house....traffic is usally a beast, so it takes FOREVER to get back! i start dinner while i feed judah his dinner. we wait for allen to get home..

6:00--allen gets home..plays with judah while i finish up/start dinner, whichever i'm in the mood for at the time..

6:30-7:00---bathtime for judah..sometimes allen gives the bath, sometimes i do. if he does, i'm usually washing up dishes or cleaning up dinner stuff. if i give judah a bath, allen's on the computer.

7:00--playtime with judah until bedtime

7:30-7:45--judah goes to bed. he's still in his crib, so i can just throw him in there and let him keep himself entertained until he ACTUALLY falls asleep. meanwhile, allen and i are watching tv while we listen to judah babble to himself. it's so soooooo funny!!

8:00--allen and i usually watch something on tv, or a movie, or just have some time together. that's hard to come by these days

9:30--i start to get really sleepy because i'm staring at the computer

11:00--this is when i would love to go to sleep, but allen thinks i need to stay awake really i suck it up and stay up the extra hour



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