Thursday, December 30, 2010

soooo slack!

yes, i am a slacker. i am such a slacker. i should really update this blog more often, but i am SOOO busy, and with NO internet in the boonies, this is what happens. i have to run to the library for my hour allotment of being on the internet and i try to play catchup with my email, bills, blogs, facebook, etc....yeah..hopefully when school starts back i will be able to update my life more often.

but to put it in short terms...

things i am SUPER DUPER excited about:

1) THE NEW YEAR!!! bring it on 2011!! bring it ON!

2) Judah turning two..yes..we are working on a birthday party..(but like i said, i AM a slacker, so i don't have one detail put together for it)

3) going on a vacation when we get our taxes back (if we get enough)...i need to go somewhere tropical. asap.

4) being more involved with church..i just don't do enough and i know i could!

5) hopefully getting to go down to SC more...i am seriously having parent/grandparent withdrawals!


7) well, really i just want some warmer weather so that judahbug and I can go enjoy our backyard and walk down the road and see horses and pick apples....

so just a few things i'm excited about for this next year..hoping i can be a better person and not complain as much (i know. i'm really bad at it..)

love you all.


Anonymous Russ Moore said...

Miss Snow! Nice to see you blogging again!

January 6, 2011 at 9:49 AM  

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